Investment Projects

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21 Million Media Group

21 Million Media Group

# 21 Million Media Company: 3-Year Business Plan

## Executive Summary

21 Million Media Company, a burgeoning entity in the digital media landscape, aims to redefine the way audiences consume media by offering an eclectic mix of video content, radio shows, and podcasts. Our content strategy focuses on delivering high-quality, engaging, and informative media that caters to a wide range of interests, including technology, finance, entertainment, and lifestyle. Our revenue model capitalizes on paid advertising and exclusive paid interviews, positioning us uniquely in the market to leverage the growing demand for digital media consumption.

### Year 1: Foundation and Brand Building


- Establish a robust content creation framework.
- Launch the flagship radio show and podcast series.
- Build a strong brand identity and online presence.
- Secure initial advertising and interview partners.


- **Content Creation:** Develop a content calendar that includes a mix of video segments, radio shows, and podcasts. Focus on trending topics and evergreen content that appeals to a broad audience.
- **Marketing and Branding:** Utilize social media, SEO, and content marketing to build brand awareness. Engage with audiences through interactive content and social media live sessions.
- **Monetization:** Implement a tiered advertising package for potential advertisers, offering options ranging from short ad slots to sponsored content. Develop a pricing strategy for paid interviews, targeting emerging businesses and personalities seeking exposure.

**Expected Outcomes:**

- Launch of at least 2 podcast series and a weekly radio show.
- Establishment of a loyal listener and viewer base.
- Partnership with at least 10 advertisers and 5 paid interviews.

### Year 2: Growth and Expansion


- Expand content offerings and audience reach.
- Diversify income sources.
- Strengthen brand loyalty and community engagement.


- **Content Diversification:** Introduce new shows and segments, potentially including live events or exclusive series. Collaborate with well-known influencers or experts to broaden appeal.
- **Audience Engagement:** Develop a membership program offering exclusive content, early access, or special perks to loyal listeners and viewers. Implement audience feedback mechanisms to refine content strategy.
- **Revenue Diversification:** Explore additional revenue streams such as merchandise, premium content subscriptions, or hosting live events and workshops.

**Expected Outcomes:**

- Double the audience base through diversified content and strategic marketing.
- Increase revenue by 50% through new income sources and higher advertising rates.
- Establish a community of engaged and loyal followers.

### Year 3: Consolidation and Innovation


- Solidify market position as a leading media company.
- Innovate content delivery and audience interaction.
- Ensure sustainability and scalability of the business model.


- **Market Consolidation:** Focus on strengthening the brand and consolidating market position. Evaluate performance and optimize operations for efficiency and effectiveness.
- **Innovation:** Invest in new technologies or platforms to deliver content in innovative ways, such as augmented reality experiences or interactive podcasts.
- **Sustainability:** Develop a long-term plan for sustainable growth, including investments in talent, technology, and content that can adapt to changing market dynamics.

**Expected Outcomes:**

- Recognized brand leadership in the digital media space.
- Diversified and innovative content portfolio driving audience growth and engagement.
- Sustainable and scalable business model ensuring long-term profitability and growth.

## Financial Projections

- **Year 1:** Focus on building the audience and brand with initial investments in content creation and marketing. Expected modest revenue from advertising and paid interviews.
- **Year 2:** Significant growth in revenue from expanded advertising options, paid interviews, and new income streams. Reinvest profits for expansion and audience growth initiatives.
- **Year 3:** Consolidation of gains with a focus on innovation and sustainability. Aim for a steady increase in revenue and profitability through optimized operations and strategic partnerships.

## Conclusion

21 Million Media Company is poised to make a significant impact in the digital media industry. Through a strategic blend of high-quality content, innovative delivery methods, and a solid monetization strategy, we aim to build a sustainable and profitable business while enriching the media landscape for our audience.



TenGo! Todo Market is the first ever Drive thru convenience store in El Salvador where technology meets convenience with payment processes as Bitcoin and local fintechs. TenGo is a convenience store with over +1,000 products to choose from.
Over 30% of our portfolio consist of exclusive highly sought-after international beverages such as Hard Seltzers, Crafts Beers, Snacks and Chocolates sourced through strategic partnerships. TenGo! is currently operating two store and has another 2 planned locations to be open soon in Q1-2023. TenGo strives to provide a modern, frictionless experience for picking up beverages and last-minute items by leveraging delivery Apps that are most convenient to consumers.

Tierra Bendita / Satoshi Specialty Blend by Cherito Cafe Roasters

Tierra Bendita / Satoshi Specialty Blend by Cherito Cafe Roasters

Edited Feb 20th 2023:
BioKrop Project is an initiative of a consortium of various single-origin specialty coffee microlot coffee farms across the six mountain regions of El Salvador, Central America. Our consortium is made up of small and medium size coffee producers and work in coordination under the technical advisory and technology transfer of TIERRA BENDITA, S.A. DE C.V. a company that has been operating for over ten years founded by my Father who had dedicated over 30 years of experience and valued at over $2M to become competitive producers and exporters. The common denominator and value-added guarantee is that all our coffee estates share the same principles and philosophy of producing top quality specialty and differentiated coffees with focus on agroecology and ancestral maintenance, water conservation, and diversification of other produce such as honey, cacao, and food produce in benefit of all the workers and our communities. Our Bitcoin standard also allows us to access new markets and accelerate our cash flow and operations from bean to cup process or from our farms in El Salvador to the U.S. and across Europe where we uncovered new sales opportunities and a market niche in the last twelve months for Bitcoin customers.
Furthermore, year over year we continue innovating in fermentation and drying processes (Ex: elevated beds drying in shade & anaerobic fermentation) and achieve best practices during and post-harvest activities to produce premium quality coffee beans after investing over $100K in state of the art machinery and equipment for milling, roasting, quality control lab, and exporting warehousing aside from owning over 150 hectares in the Ahuachapán region of El Salvador.
BioKrop Project is a green-bean trading consortium with a vision of streamlining the value-chain process from seed to roasters as well as to roast and serve the experience of cafe roastery retail shop in both El Salvador and the U.S. with a Bitcoin standard.