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LNX Club | January 13, 2024


Saturday, January 13, 2024 6pm  Sarasota, Fl

The Lnx Club private event is designed for entrepreneurs – both seasoned professionals and up-and-comers. And regular folks looking to rub elbows with some of our special guests and speakers that you can chat with through out the evening.

You’ll have the chance to:

  • Meet and network with like-minded people including Bitcoin Ben, Nick (Divi), Edgar (K1), Michelle Weekley (Byte Federal), Gary (Zpods), Jeff (Crypto World) and Heather (Information Warfare) and more
  • Share knowledge and resources
  • Form partnerships
  • Take advantage of joint opportunities
  • And accelerate the growth of one another’s wealth and prosperity

Just being in the room has the potential to raise your net worth.

Because every single person who will be in this room has one goal:

To help everyone else become more successful and learn from anyone else to achieve more in their life and business.

It’s one of the most supportive, encouraging, and positive places you can be.

But it’s also one of the most profitable because of what you will learn and who you will meet.

I co-founded the Lnx Club with Bitcoin Ben to connect thinkers, doers, and visionaries to exponentially increase their impact on the world (while growing their bottom line).

If you have a business that you want to grow, someone in this room can probably help you.

If you have a project that needs funding, someone in this room will likely want to support you.

If you’re growing in the cryptocurrency space, someone in this room might want to know more.

All of us believe in using capitalism and the free market to improve the world, serve our customers, and grow the wealth of our community.

If you align with these values and want to both contribute to this group and gain a ton of fresh ideas and connections to expand your business and bottom line, then register now for our next Lnx Club private event.

Oh, and during the event, you’ll be treated to light appetizers and craft cocktails, wine, beer and champagne.

We’re serious about business but we also love to hang out and have a good time while figuring out ways to become more successful.

Celebration of Freedom

Cancellation Policy – Please be advised that your membership fee is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend this event you can send someone in your place.

Whether you are an investor looking to participate in providing venture capital, seeking companies with exceptional growth potential, or an entrepreneur seeking venture capital or access to other like-minded, interested investors, we have an option for you.

Forward Partnerships

Working together to give exceptional emerging cryptocurrency projects and blockchain companies a chance at success.